
Wozu Arzneiverwandtschaften?

[Das hier hab ich aus einer meiner prähistorischen Webseiten (2004) kopiert damit es nicht verloren geht.]

Boenninghausen erklärt's des langen und breiten, nachfolgend zusammengefasst:
  • Hilfestellung um eine homöopathische Arzneiwirkung homöopathisch zu antidotieren
  • verwandte Mittel wirken besser
  • Hilfestellung zur Mittelwahl bei einseitigen Krankheiten
  • Hilfestellung zur Mittelwahl bei chronischen Krankheiten, welche mit einem Mittel allein nicht behandelt werden können (der hiesige Normalfall)
  • unabdingbare Information um Wechselmittel (Zwischenmittel) einzusetzen, statt das Hauptmittel zu wiederholen
  • Hilfestellung um nach Gabe eines Akutmittels die (vorangehende) "chronische" oder "konstitutionelle" Arznei zu bestimmen. Die entsprechenden Arzneien finden sich in den Zeilen "komplementiert", "antidotiert" und "folgt gut auf".
...und ein Zitat von JH Clarke:
 A further important point in homoeopathic practice is to observe the RELATIONSHIPS OF REMEDIES. It is not often that a single remedy will cure a case of disease. Sometimes it will - even a single dose of the remedy. But more often there will come a time when the remedy must be changed and another given. It is then of great importance to know which remedy to select next. It will often happen that the indication for the next remedy is so clear that there is no room to doubt which to select. But that is not always the case: several remedies may be apparently equally well indicated. It is then very useful to know if experience has proved that certain of these agree well with, and complement the action of, the one which has done well but ceased to benefit. For some remedies agree well with others; some arrest their action or over-action, or, in other words, act as antidotes. If an antidote is required , it is valuable to have a list of the remedies which have proved antidotal to the remedy given. If a complementary remedy is required, it is useful to have a list of remedies which have been found by experience to follow the remedy well, and carry on its work.

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